Group Registration

Get Rooted and Booted- Plant based Living

Connect Group Type: Co-Ed, Family, Lifestyle
Saturday at 11:00am ET 10:00am CT 9:00am MT 8:00am PT


  • Heather Gabbert

Learn & grow: Plant the seeds, water them, and watch how God provides the increase. Be fed from Gods Earth and His Word leaving disease and disorder starving, disabled and disarmed in the body, mind and spirit. This group supports and encourages each other. We are leveling UP our efforts in the battle for health wealth. We are an army joining together in LIVING WELL utilizing the plants God gave us to eat, the gift of grounding from the Earth-land, sea and sky to charge our "batteries" And the sturdiest of our gifts, He Himself, our rock, Jesus Christ is front and center as we nourish our bodies with His food from the Word. Caution: you may experience feeling better, pain freedom, improved mental focus, noticeable ease when moving your body; not to mention a connection with others. Don’t do life alone. Gather together here in the Rooted & Booted Connect Group!! Lean in and learn how! Embrace the life-wellness mindset the way God intended.

Please complete the form below to register for Get Rooted and Booted- Plant based Living.

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